


I-WELL partners with EDB to promote Mental Health in Schools


FEHD’s I-WELL Centre has been awarded a 10Mil government contract to run mental health programmes for HK school teachers. This includes elementary and in-depth courses for around 2000 teachers.
The elementary course will introduce teachers to the EDB’s Healthy School Policy as well as  strategies to promote student wellbeing and resilience. The course aims to help students with mental health needs to develop a positive attitude.
The advanced course will train teachers to develop practices that promote mental health in schools, and support students with mental health needs. 
The programme will last for 2 years starting from the September 2018. HK$10,780,000 was awarded to the project.
I-WELL’s commitment to this very important project exemplifies FEHD’s dedication to  community wellbeing, and exemplifies our aim to raise all we do to the Next Level.