


Dr Susanna Yeung wins SCOLAR grant


FEHD's Dr Susanna Yeung won a grant of over $470,000 from the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR). 

Dr Yeung, Associate Dean (Quality Assurance and Enhancement) of FEHD and Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, will use the grant to study English language teaching in kindergartens and primary schools, as well as support measures aimed at assisting the transition between kindergarten and primary.  

The project, Transition of English Language Learning and Teaching from Kindergarten Education to Primary Education, also gauges young learners’ levels of English language knowledge and skills, as well as their interest in and attitude towards learning English. 

“Kindergarten and primary education are different stages of learning with different English language teaching curriculums and learning modes,” said Dr Yeung. “We aim to provide recommendations to SCOLAR and help formulate and implement effective language education policy, to make the transition from kindergarten to primary as smooth as possible."

Dr Yeung will work on the project with her team, which includes EdUHK's Dr Michelle Gu and Dr Ng Mei Lee, as well as Ms Pelly Lee, the Vice Principal of HKFYG Lee Shau Kee Primary School.

SCOLAR funds the development of effective strategies of exposing young children to English, as well as the production of quality language learning and teaching resources. 

As Dr Yeung’s grant success illustrates, FEHD strives to make changes in practice and policy. We seek to foster education policy research by taking what we do to the NEXT LEVEL.